Victor Da Ponte is a visionary whose soul purpose is to help humanity realize its vibrational connection with the ultimate reality. With over 20 years of spiritual practice and healing service, he is known internationally for his profound healing gift to remotely shift people out of their limitations – even while they sleep – Victor’s exceptional skills have earned him the honor of working with some of today’s top leaders, coaches, and healers in the consciousness movement. Victor’s healing gifts were awakened after several profound life experiences and they continue to expand daily. In 2011, a powerful inner voice transmitted a mind-shattering realization, which essentially said: “Stop creating your limitations, they don’t exist! They are not what you are. Wake up! You are beyond all thoughts, beyond all concept and beyond all understanding – stop believing anything less than this.”
Victor’s message is simple: we are infinitely powerful beings who create our own reality and the only thing that truly exists is infinite love. The mission is to awaken as many people as possible and shift beyond the Third Dimensional Reality so that we may all shine brightly together and co-create heaven on earth.