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Which state, although widely known for seafood, only has eight miles of Atlantic Ocean coastline?
Which ocean is India closest to?
Which of these is the smallest of the world's oceans?
Which term refers to the regular abnormal warming of the Pacific Ocean?
What is a scientist who studies life in the ocean called?
Which of these living creatures might be a producer in an ocean food chain?
What is the term for the Earth's crust where it underlies oceans?
Some oceans consist of fresh (non-salty) water?
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What is a tropical cyclone formed in the Pacific Ocean called?
Oil hungry bacteria is used to clean up oil spills.
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What is a common unit of depth in the ocean?
The Mid-Atlantic Mountain Range is located where?
Where does most of the salt in the oceans come from?
What is the primary food source for coral reefs?
What does the term "Ghost Fishing" mean?
What is the largest animal in the ocean?
How many gallons of oil were dumped into the ocean from the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill?