Welcome to The 6 Family Roles (which one are you?)
You are about to learn your primary "role" in relationship dynamics and family of origin.
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I tend to take care of others more than myself
I tend to be insecure around others
I thrive in chaotic situations
I have a hard time making decisions
I cope best by handling situations myself
I cope best with activities to distract me from my reality
I cope best by engaging in risky behavior
I have a hard time setting and keeping healthy boundaries
I am a bit of a perfectionist
I am the class/office clown
I like to act in ways that provide entertainment and shock value
I cope best by providing comic relief
I tend to overindulge in things that I like
Negative attention is better than no attention
I like to keep things light and superficial
I'll bend over backwards for others
I feel inadequate if I can't solve a problem
I cope best by keeping the peace and putting on a good front
I'd rather keep my opinions to myself
I often feel responsible for others happiness
I often feel lonely and isolated
I don't mind taking the blame when things go wrong
I don't take anything too seriously
I tend to feel superior to others
I work better independently than in a group
I tend to protect others from suffering pain and consequences
I am hard working and an overachiever
I often have feelings of shame and guilt
I cope best by adjusting and adapting to situations
I'm often the center of attention
I'm rebellious and don't like authority
I often feel anxious and worried
I have a hard time coping with stress or uncomfortable feelings